5 Steps to Flip Your Magic !

The universe is made of spirit, like you are!

The universe has the magic of spirit - the mindset that brings true wealth, abundance, success, and prosperity that brings good health, rewarding relationships, increased cashflow, and inner healing from your ancestral patterns.

Flipping your ancestral patterns - and your own health, relationship, or money patterns - all use the same 5 Steps, to flip your magic from manifesting lack to bringing you the abundance you are made of!

5 steps to really living this magic in your life:

1. Know that you are made of spirit (you are made of the love and abundance and freedom that the universe is made of), and that your spirit is designed to lead and guide your mind.

2. Desire to listen your spirit, and learn to align the hemispheres of your mind so you can hear to your spirit.

3. Consciously choose to live as spirit, in every present moment, and for your lifetime.

4. Live in harmony with the abundance of the universe and receive that all things you experience are working together for your highest spiritual good, because we are made of the spirit the universe is made of, so it cannot NOT work in our favor.

5. Fully express your own spirit’s desires for the highest good of all, for your own restoration, and for the restoration of all things, because it is only as we become all we are meant to be, that the universe can become all it is meant to be.

These 5 steps are based on your 5 Spiritual Chakras:

**Move image of spiritual chakras up to here

Flip Your Magic Even More !

As spirit beings, we were designed to have a United Guidance System to help us every day.

For you to live the 5 Steps of the Spiritual Chakra and Flip Your Magic more quickly and powerfully, your United Guidance System must be activated within you.

Just as there are 5 Steps of the Spiritual Chakras , there are 5 things that must be activated, before your United Guidance System can integrate fully in your life:

1. Your own spirit, intuition, wisdom, and knowledge.

2. Your ancestors.

3. All of nature.

4. Your guardian angel (also known as your Higher Self)

5. The Sun, Moon, and Stars

Insert the image of 5 parts of universe

Increase Your Cashflow, Intuition, Confidence, Health, and Self-Love

Release Unhelpful Ancestral and Past Life Money Patterns

Feel at One with Spirit and know the Universe Always has Your Back

Flip Your Magic Now!

Because magic is how you integrate the energies of the universe (including you, your ancestors, nature, your angel, and the zodiac) with your own energy to enrich your life, your Money Magic, Health Magic, Relationship Magic, and Ancestral Magic are all the same!

But, health, relationships, and money are only SYMBOLS of the wealth, abundance, prosperity, and love that you are made of. These symbols increase in your life as your magic increases in coherent vibration and higher voltage.

Money is a very common symbol of wealth and abundance, and our Money Magic is perhaps the most common way most of us feel lack in our lives, so Money Magic will be our example of all magic.

Money is energy. It has a vibration of love, because it is a symbol of how the universe shows its love to us.

The amount of Money Magic - and money - you have, depends on your mindset, your own unique vibration, and your voltage.

The closer your vibration is to the vibration of money, the more easily and fluently that an abundance of money, good health, and happy relationships will flow to you.

Flip Your Money Magic !

Flip Your Money Magic is a magical 5 Step System based on our 5 Spiritual Chakras, spread over 12-months and harnessing the natural energies, rhythyms and vibrations of the celestial seasons.

Flip Your Money Magic amplifies your 5 Spiritual Chakras, and Activates your United Guidance System, while removing the subconscious energy blocks that keep you from living the life of your dreams.

You can join this magical program at any time, and invest yourself for the full 12-months to integrate and allow for the full effect of the Money Magic 5 Steps to be felt and noticed in your life and family.

You are worth the full year's investment in yourself, for yourself, your family and for your money.

In Flip Your Money Magic, you will:

  • Gain awareness that you are made of spirit, and learn to live as a spirit being.
  • Hear your spirit’s desires and follow your inner guidance.
  • Activate your United Guidance System and grow your magic in all areas of your life.
  • Remove tension from your body and feel lighter and happier.
  • Learn positive practices to improve your cashflow.
  • Change your old money magic, and see coincidences and synchronicities become routine.
  • Feel at one with the universe, and find that money and love will flow to you easier and more often.
  • Confidently step into your purpose, and fully express your passion in a way that meets your own needs and benefits others and the universe too.

Your Money Magic Musegicians

In this course, other talented musegicians and I offer you our magical tools to grow your Money Magic:

Biofield sessions, by me, Carla Adams, clear your own old mindset patterns and those you inherited from your ancestors, and restore your original energy blueprint. I am a biofield tuner and spiritual guide, specializing in releasing the ancestral patterns that keep you stuck in your old money mindset patterns.

Dowsing is included at the start of every biofield session, to clear your biofield of negative energy.

Ancestral Ascension at the end of every biofield session, allows your ancestors to transition to the next realm when they are ready.

Reiki Meditations, by Ramie Haas, to focus daily and calm your mind, so you can hear your spirit and feel your connection with Universal Spirit. Ramie is a Reiki and meditation master, hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, and yoga instructor who loves inspiring people to find their money magic and live their best life.

Hypnotherapy sessions, by James MacFadyen, will entrain new, positive thoughts into your subconscious so they become automatic, congruent, beneficial and nourishing. James’ magical voice is combined with intention for you to live and feel better. He wrote the book, “Know Smoking”, and brings that same mindset of breaking through invisible barriers so you can know money.

EFT ‘Tapping’ exercises by Kimberly Robbie, help bring loving awareness to the subconscious, self-protective beliefs, patterns, and emotions you have about money and success. Kimberly’s true passion is guiding you in honoring the grief and loss that is behind so many relationships in life, (including our relationships with money and the people who taught us about it!), which allows you to honor, thank, and move beyond this pain,

and the beliefs you hold from this pain, to revolutionize

your relationship with money and flip your money magic!

Financial Tips by Jennifer Bonner provide practical steps you can take to increase your financial knowledge and skill to step into greater money flow with confidence. Jennifer has a BBA in accounting and has been working as a corporate professional for over 35 years. Focusing on

forecasting, budgeting, and cash planning, Jennifer brings her years of career experience to give you tools and resources to enable you to flip your money mindset in a year. She is also a certified life coach – her coaching business and website are currently under construction.

Gut Health Tips, by Jessica Davis, will increase creativity in your "1st Brain" (gut), to fill your "2nd Brain" (heart) with more self-love, and increase the intuition of the pineal gland in your "3rd Brain", so you can hear your spirit and walk in flow with your

United Guidance System. Jessica is a mother, grandmother, practicing RN, and women’s gut health coach. She walks the walk and talks the talk to flip your gut health so you can

grow your money magic.

Money Energy Tips raise your voltage, increase the money energy flow in your home, and add the magic you need to shift your relationship with money.

Money Magic Incantations speak your abundance, wealth, prosperity and success into reality.

New moon energy, for spirit, mind, and body focus on manifesting your intentions, and flip your money magic quicker and easier.

Full moon energy, expressed as gratitude to the universe for the blessings and miracles you notice each month, and to align your mindset more fully with the love, joy, gratitude, wonder, and curiosity money mindset of the universe.

Access to Carla through email, to ask questions or voice comments about the course and your experiences in clearing your old patterns and increasing coherence and voltage of your body and biofield.

And, YOU, bringing your attention, intention, time, and no tension to each session, with the heart’s desire to flip your money magic!

The Universe is Always Working In Your Favor

Because the universe is always working in our favor, and all the energies of the sun, moon, and stars are designed to bring us what we need for our spiritual growth, this 12-month program integrates with those energies by following the 4 astrological seasons of the zodiac.

The program is divided into the 12 months of the year; start with the month in which you join, and enjoy the program in order with the months of the year.

Each month will offer biofield sessions, meditation, hypnotherapy, and tapping, all coordinated with a theme for each month.

The Season of Potential

During November, December, and January, we will dive deeply into your ancestral money magic, to increase your voltage and fill you with the positive mindset patterns to restore your divine energy blueprint.

November (Scorpio) – Clear Money Blocks of Feminine Energy. Biofield Sessions include:

1. Clear unhelpful ancestral money patterns on your mother’s side

2. Release stuck energy causing Fear of Success.

December (Sagittarius) – Clear Money Blocks of Masculine Energy. Bofield Sessions include:

1. Resolve negative ancestral money patterns on your father’s side

2. Dissolve fear of failure.

January (Capricorn) - Foundations for Abundance. Biofield Sessions include:

1. Transmute mindset patterns caused by trauma, and strengthen your realization of the wealth and abundance within you.

2. Release stuck energy caused from past life and ancestral Money Magic patterns.

The Season of Purpose

February, March, and April zodiac signs will help you set strategy, make plans, let go of old ways, and initiate purposeful actions toward your money magic.

February (Aquarius) – Knowing Your Own Value. Biofield Sessions include:

1. Clear stuck energy so you can know and claim your own value as an integral part of the universe.

2. Increase your money magic by releasing unworthiness, guilt, shame, frustration, and disappointment.

March (Pisces) – Love Your Money and Let Your Money Love You. Biofield Sessions include:

1. Clear your heart of sadness, loss and grief, and ignoring your own heart, so you can love yourself, others, and money more fully.

2. Tuning your heart to allow money to find its way home to you.

April (Aries) – Build Your Confidence with Money. Biofield Sessions include:

1. Clear stuck energy to enable you to know you are enough, have enough, and do enough.

2. Release blocks of anger and powerlessness, and relationship issues with our parents, so you can live your life with power with confidence.

The Season of Power

The energies of May, June, and July connect you to your inner self, the divine, and the universe, to increase your intuition, influence, and impact, to speak your dreams into reality.

May (Taurus) – Attracting More Money. Biofield Sessions include:

1. Clear stuck energy so you can know your truth and speak it with clarity, by tuning your throat chakra and awakening the crystals in your pineal gland.

2. Increase your intuition by activating your United Guidance System, and integrate your energy with the energy of your guardian angel.

June (Gemini) - A Millionaire Mindset. Biofield Sessions include:

1. Increase your money flow by resolving old patterns of worry and regret about life and money.

2. Complete your United Guidance System by integrating energies of the sun, moon, and stars with your own.

July (Cancer) - Claiming the Abundance of the Universe. Biofield Sessions include:

1. Activate your 360 degree sensing system to increase your bidirectional flow of communication with the universe.

2. Tune your mind and body to receive signals from the universe

The Season of Prosperity

August, September, and October allow you to execute plans for receiving abundance and support, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

August (Leo) – Money Freedom. Biofield Sessions include:

1. Activate your Spiritual Rights so you can create the life of your choice.

2. Dissolve stuck energy that keeps you enslaved to your subconscious thoughts, and cancel soul contracts that are no longer helpful.

September (Virgo) – Stepping into Prosperity. Biofield Sessions include:

1. Release the longing to have the wealth, abundance, prosperity, and success you think you don’t have.

2. Activate the Law of Attraction within you and further increase your intuition

October (Libra) - It’s Time to Increase Your Cash Flow! Biofield Sessions include:

1. Improve your relationship with the abundance and time of the universe

2. Take time to play in the vibrations of love, joy, gratitude, curiosity, and wonder of the universe, and balance the flow of masculine and feminine energies within you.


"We are infinitely more powerful than we realize - we just have to tap in!"

"Working with Carla was a truly transformative experience for me. When we first started, I often felt stuck and trapped in a state of inaction, unsure if there was a way out of my freeze mode. Her heartfelt process, especially the ancestral clearings, brought profound shifts. A lot of mental clutter has been cleared away, and I now feel empowered

to move forward.”

- Annette, USA

"Through my sessions with Carla, I returned to my younger self many times, revisited core emotions, made peace with what was and what is. I took from the sessions the knowing that we are whole and held at all times, just sometimes out of alignment; that our ancestors are there to support us - we just need to ask - and that we are infinitely more powerful than we realize -

we just have to tap in!"

Erica, Australia

"Carla's sessions are unique, and since working with her, I feel I have a better guidance system. I believe this was due to Carla focusing on connecting me to my guardian angel in two sessions, as well as tuning the inner crystals in the pineal gland. I believe my sessions with Carla have given me more access to my potential too. Thanks again. Your work is fantastic.” – Robbie, Ireland

Ready to Flip Your Money Magic?

Flip Your Money Magic is divided into 3 tiers, so you have a choice of which fits your current time and cash flow situation best.

This course would cost $2645 if you purchased each Money Magic tool separately!

24 Recorded Biofield with Dowsing Sessions $720

12 Recorded Hypnotherapy Sessions $240

24 Recorded EFT/Tappng Sessions $480

24 Ancestral Ascension Sessions $240

12 Recorded Reiki Meditations $240

12 Money Energy Tips $120

12 Financial Tips $120

12 Gut Health Tips $120

12 Astrological Energy Tips $60

12 Money Magic Incantations $60

12 Full Moon gratitude integrations $60

12 New Moon intention integrations $60

12 Herbal Astrology Oracle Card Readings $125

Aligning your work with the seasons of the Zodiac. Priceless.

Total Value: $2645

But you don't have to pay $2645.

Or even half of that! $1323


* All Tiers amplify the 5 Steps to Flip Your Money Magic - based on your 5 spiritual chakras.

**Only Tier 3 activates all 5 parts of your United Guidance System

(Tiers 1 & 2 activate only parts 1-3).

***Only Tier 3 releases the energy of subconscious thought that is

sometimes referred to as "The Slavery Yoke."

Money Magic Tier 1 - Moon:

For each month, you will receive:

✔️ 1 recorded Biofield Session

✔️ 1 Money Energy Tip

✔️ 1 Money Incantation

PLUS: 1 digital PDF copy of Carla’s book, “Ancestral River, a Spiritual Journey for the Living and the Dead.”

12-Month Program:



4 monthly payments of: $53.00/month

Money Magic Tier 2 - Sun & Moon:

Each month includes all of Tier 1, plus:

✔️ 1 recorded Reiki meditation

✔️ 1 recorded EFT/Tapping session

✔️ 1 recorded Hypnosis Session

✔️ 1 recorded Oracle Card Reading

✔️ 1 Financial Tip

✔️ 1 Astology Tip

✔️ 1 Gut Health Tip to

increase your creativity and intuition

12-Month Program:



4 monthly payments of:


Money Magic Tier 3 -

Sun, Moon & The Stars:

Each month includes all of Tier 1&2, plus:

️ ✔️2 (total) recorded Biofield Sessions, including the following sessions, which enable you TO LISTEN MORE DEEPLY TO YOUR SPIRIT: "Restore Your Angel (or higher self) Connection," "Integrate Your Zodiac," and "Remove Your Slavery Yoke."

✔️ 2 (total) recorded EFT/Tapping Sessions, to ASSIST MORE ENERGY TO CLEAR.


✔️ members in the continental USA will receive a signed paperback copy of “Ancestral River, a Spiritual Journey for the Living and the Dead.”


✔️ members can upgrade to LIVE 1-on- 1 individual or family biofield sessions with Carla. Per 24 sessions fee.

12-Month Program:



4 monthly payments of:



Special Bonus: All members are encouraged to include your spouse or partner, as well as your children who still live in your home, in all your monthly sessions. Your own money magic will flip faster and further if the money magic of your home and family flips too!

Together we will make a difference in our lives, and our ancestors, our children, and the universe - all at the same time.

Carla Adams

Biofield Tuner, Spiritual Guide, Truth Seeker, and Author, wanting to share with you the information Spirit shared with me.

Ancestral River LLC

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